Jeremy Reed Photography

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This is what I love about my job. Just a little over two years I was taking Stephanie and Stuart’s engagement pictures. Then, this past weekend, I had the privilege of photographing their beautiful addition to the family, sweet Luca. As luck would have it, we were shooting in the exact same location as before, creating a nice little time capsule.

Photography is a very personal thing for me. If you were to ask me how I got my start, I would tell you it was to document my family. To show the way we were: how small, how silly, how beautiful.

That is the same approach I try to bring to my client work, so when I get the opportunity to shoot a wedding or a family, I can’t help but have a personal stake in the outcome. Not only in the sense of taking nice photos, but in the act of capturing fleeting moments: the small, the silly, the beautiful.

So, to Stephanie and Stuart, and all the others who have let me into a small part of your life, I thank you. I hope my work brings you as much joy as it brings me.

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